Molly Milam

Program Resources Coordinator

Education / Certificates

Bachelor of Social Work from East Central University


Professional Interests: 

I enjoy helping others. I also love connecting with other departments and professionals to accomplish goals and tasks.

Personal Interests: 

 I love to exercise and make small, consistent changes to improve my mental health and physical well-being. Most of all, I enjoy spending time with my husband, Jesse, and our son, Charlie.


I struggled with my mental health for years. I have found by moving my body, eating more intentionally and surrounding myself with quality people my mental health has improved dramatically. I love that our program encourages people to do the same. Eating healthier and exercising improves your physical well-being and your mental well-being.

Why I Love My Job

I love knowing my contribution helps our team serve the community by teaching valuable life skills. I also enjoy meeting new people and learning new things.